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@niveth/key-manager exports only one function that is initKeyManager. initKeyManager returns an object with keys

  1. createUserAPIKey - Use this to create new User API Key
  2. verifyUserAPIKey - Use this to verify whether provided User API Key is valid and it has not exceeded ratelimit
  3. deleteUserAPIKey - Use this to delete a User API Key
  4. rotateUserAPIKey - Use this to rotate a User API Key. Rotating a key will create a new key with same id and roles
  5. addRoles - Use this to add roles to a User API Key
  6. removeRoles - Use this to remove roles from a User API Key

Type signature of initKeyManager

export type Endpoints<EndpointName extends string> = {
[name in EndpointName]: {
default: { maxReq: number; duration: number };
roles?: Record<string, { maxReq: number; duration: number }>;

export type InitKeyManagerOptions<EndpointName extends string> = {
rootAPIKey: string;
url?: string;
endpoints: Endpoints<EndpointName>;

export function initKeyManager<EndpointName extends string>({
url = "",
}: InitKeyManagerOptions<EndpointName>);

It takes an object with keys

  1. rootAPIKey - string, Root API Key which you have copied from the website
  2. url (optional) - string, If you have self hosted key manager then the url of your instance of key manager. Make sure the url is in this format, notice there is no trailing slash (/)
  3. endpoints - Define endpoints you have to ratelimit and their ratelimits.
export type Endpoints<EndpointName extends string> = {
[name in EndpointName]: {
default: { maxReq: number; duration: number };
roles?: Record<string, { maxReq: number; duration: number }>;

endpoints is an object with each key specifying the endpoint name and corresponding value is an object with keys defaults and roles?.

  • default - Its type signature is {maxReq : number; duration : number} where maxReq is maximum number of requests allowed for duration in microseconds.

  • roles (optional) - Its type signature is Record<string, {maxReq : number; duration : number}>. Its an object with role as its keys and ratelimit as their values.


Its recommended that you create a new file called keyManager.ts in that initialize the key manager.

1. Endpoint with different ratelimits per pricing plane

// keyManager.ts
import { initKeyManager } from "@niveth/key-manager";

export const {
} = initKeyManager({
rootAPIKey: process.env.KEY_MANAGER_ROOT_KEY,
endpoints: {
default: { duration: 60_000, maxReq: 100 },
roles: {
PRO: { duration: 60_000, maxReq: 1000 },
TEAM: { duration: 60_000, maxReq: 5000 },

It initializes key manager with a single endpoint CREATE_USER. For FREE tier users it supports maximum 100 Requests per 1 min, for PRO tier users it supports maximum 1000 Requests per 1 min and for TEAM tier users it supports maximum 5000 requests per 1 min